Places to Explore

And Surrounding The Hilo Area
- Play Golf at the Municipal Golf Course
- Attend the International Festival of the Pacific
- Enjoy Shakespeare In The Park
- Play in the Snow on top of Mauna Kea
- Watch for whales in February
- Swim with turtles at Punaluu
- Join an outrigger canoe rowing club
- Learn local history at Lyman House museum
- Watch lava flow into the sea
- Browse the Farmer’s Market
- Hike Kilauea Caldera
- Stroll along the shore at Liliuokalani Gardens
- Wander among Petroglyphs in the Volcanoes National Park
- Attend the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival
- Visit the newest land on earth
- Walk through lava tubes
- Watch the Bon Dancers
- Eat a wide variety of ethic foods
- Grow your own orchids
- Take a University course
- Learn to make Hawaiian Quilts
- Learn the Hawaiian language
- Fish from the shores of Hilo Bay